I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography




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    After Henry and Jung’s wonderful engagement session I was totally looking forward to our next shoot- bridals! Jung got her hair and make-up done that morning and was absolutely stunning in her white gown. ALL of that+ the breathtaking view at Laguna Beach= perfect bridal session! I couldn’t get over how beautiful everything was…

    Jung, you’re breathtaking. You are going to make SUCH a gorgeous bride!

    Henry and Jung wanted to end their shoot with some jumping pictures. It was really the perfect way to end our session- lots of laughs and so much joy! : ) I can’t believe you two will be married in less than three weeks! Woohoo! : )

    Posted in Bridals

    8 Responses

    1. annies says:


    2. Jessica Lockie says:

      These are very beautiful.

    3. irene yu says:

      super pretty eileen 🙂

    4. Lisa Furumoto says:


    5. Andrea says:

      Brides are always so prettyyy!

    6. hannahchoi says:

      This is so beautiful!!! Congratulations Henry and Jung!

    7. Phoebe says:

      What a gorgeous couple!

    8. Laisa Cheang says:

      She is so pretty! What a lucky man.

    Leave a Reply to Laisa Cheang