I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography



    Author Archive

    Happy 6 Months Benny!

    (Taken on our wedding day by me!)

    Wow, 6 months! I guess it’s true when they say that time flies when you’re having fun. I love you so much, Benny, and I can’t imagine living this life without you!

    I remember weeks before our wedding, I was going through the mall, frantically looking for the perfect wedding shoes. I stepped into a store and quickly started a conversation with one of the workers there. She had just gotten engaged herself and was so excited to help me find the right shoes. In the process we started talking about our relationships– How we met our fiances, when they proposed, all the fun details that only girls care to ask about. It felt so silly– Two girls standing in the middle of a shoe store, sharing about how much we love our guys. And then the conversation steered towards when we knew they were “the one.” She recalled the exact moment when she tried to imagine life without him, but couldn’t bear the thought of it. Suddenly I tried to imagine my life without Benny- wow, I really could not! Life would be so…SAD! We were both in tears within minutes and even though I didn’t leave with the perfect shoes that day, I left so satisfied knowing that I had the perfect man in my life! (ok so corny, but so true! haha).

    So yes, Benny. I could never imagine life without you. Thank you for making the past 6 months the best ever. I’m so excited to celebrate this day with you…cheers to us! : )

    Carmela Ice Cream and Sorbet, Pasadena CA

    After yesterday’s maternity session with Kevin and Lulu, there was one thing I craved… So glad Carmelas was nearby and I was able to get my ice cream fix! I got myself some Earl Grey and Intelligentsia Espresso today. Thanks to my girlfriend Janet for coming along!

    follow my daily adventures on instagram! @eileenliuphoto!

    Descanso Gardens Bridal Session with Bruce and Tiffany

    Tiffany and Bruce just got married on Saturday! (Can I get a woot woot?!) Benny and I were so happy celebrate with them and enjoy the wedding day as guests. And today, I got to take their Day After Session right before they head out for their honeymoon. We seriously love these two SO much and couldn’t be happier for them! Here’s a sneak peek from their session at the Descanso Gardens! : )


    When the cronut craze first started in NY, Benny and I searched for something like it here in LA. We drove out to downtown LA when we heard they were making it at a local donut shop, but it was nothing like what we heard a cronut would taste like. Then finally today, we tried the cronuts at Paris Baguette! We were so happy they had some in the store, because the past few times we came we were either too early or too late. These cronuts surely are delicious- crispy and thin, and with the perfect amount of custard. These ones also had a hint of citrus! (They also have a coffee one) You bet I enjoyed photographing these!! Yum Yum, Enjoy!