I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography



    Author Archive

    Step Aerobics and A Beautiful Sunset

    Tonight I attended my first Step Aerobics class and to my surprise, I really enjoyed it! The instructor was super sweet, but pretty intense; I was falling behind the whole time! haha. Still, I feel pretty good and got quite a workout from the class. I am now treating myself to a yummy bowl of Rocky Road ice cream to celebrate! : )

    On a different note, did you all see the sunset tonight?! It was beautiful! My parents and I were walking my sister’s family to their car after dinner and we all just stood there for a moment to enjoy all the colors in the sky. I’m so glad I went to grab my camera and snapped these pictures of my parents before the sun set : )
    have a great rest of the week! : )

    Jen + James MARRIED!

    Jen and James are married! : ) I fell in love with these two at their engagement session and couldn’t have been more thrilled to shoot their intimate wedding at the Los Angeles County Arboretum. I used to dream of having a HUGE wedding as a little girl (all my sisters had huge weddings, esp. my oldest sister Emily who had 1,200 guests!), but weddings like Jen and James’ make me appreciate the intimacy of smaller groups. There were eleven guests who witnessed the beautiful coming together of these two and they fit perfectly into the little space Jen had picked out above the waterfall; I love how cozy it felt! : )

    Jen’s wedding dress was BEAUTIFUL! It was the same dress her now mother-in-law wore for her own wedding with a few changes made by the talented Fionna (who also did Jen’s hair and make-up!). Love all that lace!
    meanwhile james was waiting at the Arboretum for Jen… this little girl was SO cute! Here she’s pointing out that she has the same dress on as Jen! the crowd of witnesses! After the ceremony we went straight into portraits. First pictures of the Mr. and Mrs! : ) The lovely couple stopped by my house last week to drop off a cute little pouch (with a camera on it!) and some green tea Kit Kat bars. As I opened the gifts in front of Jen she laughed out, “It’s GREEN, your favorite!” They are seriously the sweetest! Thank you so much you two and congrats again! : )

    David’s 3 months!

    There’s nothing quite like a mother and father’s love. I’m realizing that more and more as I grow older and as I started photographing more families in the past two years. Watching how parents interact with their kids is one of my favorites; I always learn so much and leave the session feeling loved myself, knowing that my parents must have interacted with me in the same way when I was a child. I feel so privileged to capture these moments- yes, for the parents, but even more so for these kiddies. When they grow older I hope these photographs will remind them just how much their parents love them and how they were treasured from the very beginning! : )

    Last night while leaving Old Town Pasadena I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Naomi and Henry walking behind me! : ) So fun! They were out celebrating their anniversary (today!) and so I thought it was only appropriate to post their pictures to join in on the celebration! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Hope you two had a relaxing night! : )

    Lillian’s Summer Fruit Galette!

    Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! : ) I am SO SO excited to share my first food post (instagram pics don’t count!) with you all today!

    Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Lillian Lin, a super talented young lady who is writing her own cook book. How amazing is that?! She was so sweet, she brought over one of her fruit galettes to share and I was so excited to photograph it I waited until I got some good shots the next morning before I even tried it (I also made a quick stop at the supermarket to pick up the fruits she included into the galette! haha). I love love love how these came out and can’t wait to experiment more with food photography! : )

    Lillian, thank you so much for the delicious fruit galette! It was SO GOOD and I can’t wait until your cook book comes out so we can all try more of your yummy food!

    Catherine + Victor MARRIED!

    Thinking about Catherine and Victor’s wedding makes me happy: beautiful couple, beautiful venue, beautiful community of family and friends. This is the perfect recipe for a good time!

    When Cat + Victor’s engagement session first went public, their post got close to 2,000 views the very first day! I was so surprised (at the time this was the most views I had in one day!) and remember thinking how popular these two must be! Getting to know them better as their wedding drew closer I was able to see just why people were so drawn to them; They are both hilarious (and a bit quirky, too!) and can make just about anyone feel comfortable. And their wedding was just that- it felt safe and like “home,” with so many friends and families around celebrating their love. Thank you for inviting me in to join in on all the fun! : )

    Also, a huge THANK YOU to Jen Fuji for 2nd shooting with me that day. I loved having you on board and really enjoyed our talks : ) the first look! Ok, I was tearing as I edited these pictures. There’s something about how simple their love is that is just so beautiful! (And yes, Victor did indeed pick wildflowers to give to Cat!)
    LOVE this bridal party! They were such a fun crowd : ) so fun, all the bridesmaids wore different dresses!
    I really love quiet moments during the wedding day. Here, the girls took Cat upstairs for a time of prayer as people trickled in… And now, let the wedding begin! : ) Cat and Victor’s UCLA friends doing the 8-clap! Of course I joined in! : ) After the first dance I stole Cat and Victor away for sunset pictures. We had an amazing backdrop for the newlyweds and the woodsy feel to these portraits is SO Cat!
    Ooooh, so happy for you two! Congrats again on being married and blessings upon blessings as you begin your new lives together in Philly!

    Erin + Greg ENGAGED!

    Erin and Greg are going to be married this weekend! I wanted to post my favorites from their engagement session before the big day so you could all meet the lovely couple.

    These two have known each other since the 6th grade, but apparently Greg wasn’t very nice to Erin at first. It was definitely fate that brought them together years later in college and Greg had to make it up and win Erin over. Oh, and I’m so glad he did (more on their story in their wedding post!)! : ) I love how comfortable they are together and the way they make each other laugh (so cute when they do!). Definitely excited to see these two again in just a few days!

    à la minute

    Last week Michelle and I had an edit-date (where we edit photos together, hehe) and she introduced me to à la minute during one of our breaks. This modern creamery is super cute and totally delicious! They use liquid nitrogen to make the ice cream and you even get to watch : ) I had the Salted Caramel (and loved it!) and Michelle ordered the Orange Honey, which was also really good. Yum, yum, yum…I’m definitely coming back again!
    Michelle and her Orange Honey! Here I am enjoying my ice cream! I was VERY happy! : )
    If you’re ever in the Loma Linda/Redlands area, don’t forget to make a stop at à la minute! I promise you won’t regret it! : )

    Daniel’s 1 Year!

    I met the Dustan and Cheryl even before baby Daniel (who really insn’t a baby anymore!) was born. They were just parents-to-be at the time and I fell in love with them during our maternity shoot. Then I had the pleasure of meeting Daniel for the first time a few months later for his newborn session, fell in love with his laugh and smile during his 4 months session, witnessed his almost-first steps for his 8 months, and finally had the such a great time photographing his 1 year. Baby Daniel (I still can’t stop calling him that!) really isn’t a baby anymore! He’s up and running with so much energy! What a handsome little fellow he his! : )

    Cheryl, Dustan, and Daniel- thank you SO much for allowing me to be a part of your lives this past year and a half. It’s been such a pleasure and SUCH an honor! I can’t wait for the next time I get to see you all! : )