Jen and James are such a beautiful couple. I went to jr. high with Jen and only met James for the first time during this session, but I am so blown away by their love for one another and for their community. Our drive to Lacey Park and Crystal Cove was filled with such deep and moving stories of how they were able to help students (James is an English teacher and Jen works with the deaf and hard of hearing) overcome obstacles and I felt SO honored to be in the presence of such beautiful souls.
I love that Jen and James decided to wash each others’ feet at Crystal Cove. In the Bible Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, symbolizing his love for them and how he came into the world to serve man instead of to be served. Likewise, Jen and James wanted to show their selfless love by washing each others’ feet. This act of love + the sunset= ahh, SO BEAUTIFUL!
I hope from these pictures you are able to get a glimpse of what love looks like. Enjoy + stay tuned for more from their wedding! : )
Special thanks to Fionna for doing Jen’s hair + make-up and for making (YES, you read that right..MAKING!) Jen’s bright blue dress! It turned out wonderful!