I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography



    Hanalei and Austin’s Bridal Session

    Hello from Kansas City! Today is my second day here and I’m already missing the nice California weather- IT IS SO HOT AND HUMID here! I am resting a bit more though and enjoying my time with family. But as much as I wanted to take a break from the computer, I felt super antsy yesterday so I edited some more photos. I’m about done with Hanalei and Austin’s bridal session and I’m super excited to share them with you!
    Hana and I went to high school together and we both served on ASB. I loved reminiscing about the good old days through our emails and planning for her big day. When we finally met up earlier last month to go over some details for the wedding I got to hear a little bit more about her fiance Austin, but it wasn’t until the day of our shoot that I met this lucky man. Hana and Austin are super cute together- just see for yourselves! (And for more on their love story, stay tuned for posts from their wedding day!).
    We spent half of our time at the temple in LA where Hanalei and Austin got married (a few days after this shoot!). I had driven by this temple so many times while I was at UCLA, but this was my first time actually visiting the grounds and WOW, it is HUGE!   
    And aren’t they such beautiful people?! Hana is half Vietnamese and Austin is half Cantonese. They are going to have beautiful babies : )
    These next shots are my favorite!
    After our time at the temple we quickly headed over to the beach to catch the sunset.
    I loved shooting your bridals, Hana! Hope you’re having fun on your honeymoon : )

    SNEAK PEEKS from the month of May!

    May was a very busy month for me. I’m a bit worn out and in need of some good rest. SoooOoo, I’ll be heading off to Kansas City tomorrow to visit my oldest sister Emily and will not be back until June 1oth. My whole family (minus mommy and daddy) will be visiting, too, and I can’t wait to just relax, hang-out, and eat! I really wanted to write another post tonight, but my eyes are about to pop out (that would NOT be good) and I also need to pack! So instead, I’m leaving you with some sneak peeks from this month..the posts will be up soon, so stay tuned for more pictures! : )
    Austin and Hanalei’s Bridals
    FAST Fashion Show @ UCLA Featuring Jenny Davis’ line
    The Lius
    Hanalei and Austin’s Wedding
    Senior Portraits with Jenny
    Senior Portraits with Maika
    Family Session with The Egglestons
    and now, off to packing I go!

    Wedding Photography, Here I Come!

    I’m so excited to be getting into wedding photography this year! I was able to help shoot two different weddings last month and will be taking pictures for a high school friend’s wedding two weeks from now…eeeh! Stay tuned, I’ll have lots to share with you!
    I think my favorite part of the wedding day is when the bride and groom are getting ready for their big day, preparing for each other..there’s just something so beautiful about it! So much anticipation and excitement, but quiet and calm, a little breather before the hectic day begins.
    and a picture of the bride’s beautiful dress..love the sparkles!
    this next one’s my favorite from the day..

    …and she’s ready! : ) Here, a mini celebration before the actual ceremony.

    Don’t you love the way the groom looks at his bride in the background? so sweet! : )
    after a quick prayer we took off for the church. We spent some time in the back room for last minute touch-ups and a few laughs.
    and now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for!
    Weddings are a beautiful thing. LOVE is a beautiful thing. I can’t wait for more! : )