I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography



    Archive for the ‘Baby Photography’ Category

    David’s 3 months!

    There’s nothing quite like a mother and father’s love. I’m realizing that more and more as I grow older and as I started photographing more families in the past two years. Watching how parents interact with their kids is one of my favorites; I always learn so much and leave the session feeling loved myself, knowing that my parents must have interacted with me in the same way when I was a child. I feel so privileged to capture these moments- yes, for the parents, but even more so for these kiddies. When they grow older I hope these photographs will remind them just how much their parents love them and how they were treasured from the very beginning! : )

    Last night while leaving Old Town Pasadena I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Naomi and Henry walking behind me! : ) So fun! They were out celebrating their anniversary (today!) and so I thought it was only appropriate to post their pictures to join in on the celebration! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Hope you two had a relaxing night! : )

    Daniel’s 1 Year!

    I met the Dustan and Cheryl even before baby Daniel (who really insn’t a baby anymore!) was born. They were just parents-to-be at the time and I fell in love with them during our maternity shoot. Then I had the pleasure of meeting Daniel for the first time a few months later for his newborn session, fell in love with his laugh and smile during his 4 months session, witnessed his almost-first steps for his 8 months, and finally had the such a great time photographing his 1 year. Baby Daniel (I still can’t stop calling him that!) really isn’t a baby anymore! He’s up and running with so much energy! What a handsome little fellow he his! : )

    Cheryl, Dustan, and Daniel- thank you SO much for allowing me to be a part of your lives this past year and a half. It’s been such a pleasure and SUCH an honor! I can’t wait for the next time I get to see you all! : )

    Olivia’s 6 Months!

    I can’t believe how fast my little niece is growing! Born last November, Olivia is now past 6 months. So thankful that I am able to capture little moments of this cutie’s life. She has been such a joyful baby from the beginning and I’m so sure her smile will melt your heart!
    For Livie’s 6 month shoot we decided to bring in some of the yummy treats she’s starting to enjoy (And for those wondering that purple thing in the picture is purple yams! If you’ve never had it before, you are missing out! haha. Try it now at an Asian market near you!).
    And now some of older sister Angelina, who had just turned 4 when we took these pictures! My other sister (..and her husband + baby girl!) and I gifted Lina this sandbox for her 4th birthday; She loves it! : )

    Introducing David Jeremiah Peng!

    Earlier this year I took pictures for the Peng Family and was able to get a few shots with just Henry and Naomi with their baby bump! They are the sweetest people and I couldn’t be more excited for them!! A few months later their baby boy David Jeremiah Peng was born and I had the privilege of photographing him too! : )

    And here, for the very first time, David Jeremiah Peng! : ) I was told he sleeps most of the time (at least during the day!) so we were so excited when he opened up his eyes for us! Look at this handsome little dude.

    I can’t wait to get to know you little guy! Until next time! : )

    Olivia’s 3 Months!

    My baby niece Olivia is growing up so fast! These pictures were taken a month ago and now she’s almost 4 months old! The other day I was holding her and was kind of surprised by how much she looks like…ME! Let me know if you see it too! : )

    My sister and her two girls stayed over at my parents’ house for a few nights last week and it was so much fun hanging out with the girls. Livie is so smiley and giggly and she LOVES to stick out her tongue! I’m kind of really in love with these pictures : )

    Livie’s older sister Angelina is growing up so fast, too! I can’t believe she is almost 4 (wow!). I really love how these next two pictures capture a different side of her.

    And I LOVE this next one of Lina and Livie. 

    Now some with my sister Liz and Leonard (Leonard, Liz, Lina, and Livie…isn’t that fun?!)…

    Beautiful family! : )

    Shiloh’s 1 Year!

    Shiloh is a huge blessing and joy to our family! It’s only been a little over a year since she entered this world, but it’s hard to imagine a time without her. I loved getting to know her and discovering her personality this past year- ahh, just thinking about her now makes me smile! : ) Shiloh is such a joyful baby. She loves to smile and laugh and more recently, “stretch” and dance. I can’t wait until she can talk more (right now it’s mostly MAAAA or babababa)…I’m sure we’ll have much to chat about! : ) I feel so so privileged to be a part of this little girl’s life and to love on her as an auntie. Happy 1 year Shi!

    And just for fun, here’s a peek into our last sessions.

    Shiloh was actually feeling pretty sick when we took her 1 year photos. She’s usually much more smiley, but she did so well and was SUCH a trooper since it was quite cold outside that day. For this shoot my sister thought it would be special to have Shiloh’s grandparents in the pictures (I couldn’t agree more!) and so here they are! : )

    After taking some photos with the grandparents, Shiloh had a zoned-out moment. She just rested on Ben’s face for a while. Poor thing!

    More with the grandparents! Here is my dad playing music with some random leaves he found. That’s his specialty, actually. He can pick up just about anything off the trees or from the ground and start making music! Shiloh liked it : )

    And just for fun, I took some portraits for Eunie and Ben. You guys both looks SO good! : )

    and that’s it for today! : ) Thanks for reading!

    Anna’s 1 Year!

    One of the biggest JOYS of being a children’s photographer is watching these kiddies grow. I loved being there to photograph Anna when she could barely open up her eyes, when she was just learning how to smile, laugh, sit up, tummy time…everything! Ever since she was a newborn, Anna has been such a laid-back and joyful one and I feel so privileged to have captured her first year. This is Anna at 1 year old! : )

    And just for fun, here are some pictures from each session we had leading up to Anna’s 1 year. I not only love to see how much Anna has grown, but how much I have grown as a photographer! I feel embarrassed posting pictures from earlier last year because I feel that my style has changed a bit from then, but here they are anyway!

    Now back to Anna’s 1st birthday shoot! : )

    Here Anna is telling you that she turned “1.” Good job Anna! : )

    Timmy and Judy, congratulations!! You made it through your first year as parents and you both did such an amazing job..what an accomplishment! : ) Thank you for such fun memories with your family this year. I love you guys so much! : )

    Daniel’s 8 Months!

    One of the greatest joys as a photographer is sharing life with the people I meet. I love being there to capture the growth of a family, much like the Durretts. Cheryl and Dustan first contacted me for a maternity session last March and I feel like I’ve been following them ever since. This is my 4th session with the Durretts and I absolutely LOVE being a part of their lives!

    For this session, baby Daniel (who really isn’t a baby anymore!) was already standing on his own and taking mini steps (and dancing!) with the help of his mommy and daddy. SO proud of him! : )

    There were a group of guys playing basketball to our right. Daniel kept looking over at them…it was the cutest thing! Perhaps he’ll be a basketball player one day! : )

    Don’t you love his Christmas hat?

    It is a JOY watching you grow, Daniel! Hope you all have a wonderful time with your family in Australia : )

    Introducing Olivia Mika Chen

    Olivia Mika Chen is the newest addition to our family! This little cutie was born on 11.11.11, at 11:06 am (I wondered why my sister didn’t just hold her in for another 5 minutes?! haha jk), weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. I think she looks so much like her older sister Angelina and my sister thinks she kind of looks like me too…what do you guys think?!

    A few shots with older sister Angelina. I know I’ve said this many times before, but I LOVE sisters! It’s so fun to watch Lina love on Livie- She just adores her! You can tell they are going to be such good friends. : )

    Love this next outfit on Livie. My sister Liz made this super cute headband, by the way. Oh, I will definitely let you know when Liz starts up her own business so all you moms out there can get one of these for your little girls, too! : )

    I can’t wait to get to know this little one. You will definitely be seeing more of Livie on this blog! : )


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    Do you all remember baby Daniel?! He has grown so much since the last time I saw him (that was back in May!). Daniel is now 4 months old and quite the charmer… He was smiling and laughing for most of our shoot and I loved watching it all from behind my camera. What a handsome little man you are, Daniel! : ) 

    And look, he learned how to talk on the phone! : ) hehe

    I love how Cheryl and Dustan included this stuffed doggie in all of our sessions. It’s such a great way to see how much Daniel has grown/will grow this year! If you missed the past photoshoots, check out their maternity session and our first session with baby Daniel.

    Thank you Durretts, for another great session. It’s always a pleasure : ) I’m totally looking forward to the next one!