I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography



    Archive for the ‘Children Photography’ Category

    The Lius!

    I can’t wait to tell you about the Lius. They’re not only cool because we share the same last name, hehe, but because they’re super serious about photoshoots! I met up with the Liu Family two separate times (the first time it was way too sunny!) and both times they had brand new outfits on (with accessories and all!). I was so touched by how much they put into preparing for our photoshoot. Thank you!
    Our first session was my first time meeting the Lius. While I was gathering my bags after I parked outside of their house, I saw three little figures running out towards me. Julianna (their mommy) later told me the kiddies were wondering whether I had long or short hair so they ran out to say hello and find out! How cute is that?! haha. And now, the Lius!
    The kiddies have their own little garden in the backyard where they have green onions, strawberries, and baby tomatoes growing!
    and look at these birdhouses they painted!
    Oh, and let me tell you what was going on while we took these next two shots. SO funny! Andrew’s mommy asked who these flowers were for..maybe for his girlfriend? At the mention of her name this HUGE smile came upon Andrew’s face. I had such a fun time teasing him about it- look how embarrassed he got! So cute : ) and now, some of my favorites from our first session together… Thank you for two wonderful sessions! I loved meeting you guys : )

    SNEAK PEEKS from the month of May!

    May was a very busy month for me. I’m a bit worn out and in need of some good rest. SoooOoo, I’ll be heading off to Kansas City tomorrow to visit my oldest sister Emily and will not be back until June 1oth. My whole family (minus mommy and daddy) will be visiting, too, and I can’t wait to just relax, hang-out, and eat! I really wanted to write another post tonight, but my eyes are about to pop out (that would NOT be good) and I also need to pack! So instead, I’m leaving you with some sneak peeks from this month..the posts will be up soon, so stay tuned for more pictures! : )
    Austin and Hanalei’s Bridals
    FAST Fashion Show @ UCLA Featuring Jenny Davis’ line
    The Lius
    Hanalei and Austin’s Wedding
    Senior Portraits with Jenny
    Senior Portraits with Maika
    Family Session with The Egglestons
    and now, off to packing I go!

    Lina Turns THREE!

    My little niece Angelina turned three earlier this month. I can’t believe it..THREE! I was looking at old pictures from the hospital when she was first born and wow, what a HUGE difference three years can make! She was teeny-tiny then, wrapped-up in a blanket and barely able to sneak a peek at us… now she is quite the little lady! She loves to dress up and wear fun accessories and she has an opinion about oh, just about everything! She is a very intense little girl, super determined and very persistent (she will accomplish great things when she’s older! : )). Lina is one tough cookie, but she’s also super sweet and has a very kind heart. While traveling with my sister’s family this past year Lina would share her Asian fish snacks with me every night at the hotel (while she should have been sleeping) and we’d snuggle and giggle over funny sounds and silly stories we make up. It’s so fun watching you grow up, Lina..I love you so much!
    For her third birthday, Lina’s mommy, my sister Liz, decided on a garden themed party! With succulents, stringed fruits, and lots of green, this party was the perfect way to celebrate spring!
    handmade bags specialized for each child and lemon cakes nicely packed for the parents..
    here, a bunch of healthy snacks and some yummy pasta!
    after lunch the the kids built their own terrariums with little succulents and fun props. I had no idea it required so many different layers of materials! The kiddies had SO much fun and I love how they all turned out! : )
    step 1: add rocks! step 2: ..some charcoal… step 3: put some moss in there!
    step 4: add soil
    step 5: choose your succulents and plant them in!
    step 6: have fun and decorate!
    And what’s a party without cake?!
    …right before cake cutting Lina fell off of something and hurt herself. Here she is with her cake. haha, so sad but so cute!
    much better : )
    Happy Birthday Lina! : )

    Family Session with the Lams!

    The Lams live in the same apartment complex as my sister Eunice. She is always telling me how cute their two little boys are and how they love to press their faces against the windows as they say hello. So funny! I’ve met them maybe once before our shoot while I was leaving my sister’s place, but I’m so glad I was able to get to know them a little bit better through our session. Everyone, meet the Lams! 
    Are you ready for some major cuteness?! Prepare yourselves! Here’s cutie #1! This is Micah and he’s quite attached to his car  : )
    now here’s cutie #2!
    Isaiah was a little bit more on the shy side that morning, but I love how his mommy was able to get some laughs out of him : ) There were some very sweet moments that day…
    and of course, we took some pictures of just Mommy and Daddy. I always love to do this during a family shoot, because some couples never have pictures of themselves, just them without the kids, after their children are born. These are so sweet : )
    When I finished taking these photos, I turned over to where the kiddies were and this is what I found…
    haha, love it! : ) And finally, some pictures of just the boys…
    To the Lams- thank you for such a wonderful session! I loved hanging out with your whole family and hearing your story. Bless you guys! Hope to run into you guys again soon : )

    Lindsey’s 18 Months, Sisters, and a Very Special Japanese Maple Tree

    If you don’t already know, I am the youngest of four girls. Our names all start with the letter “E” and we all love to snack. LOVE to snack. I’m always asked how I like having so many sisters and what it feels like being the baby of the family. I always tell them- I love it! And really, I do.
    Wendy and I spent the afternoon chatting about sisters. She has three little girls and they are all just the cutest thing. I love watching them interact and finding out what makes them so different from each other. It seems kind of silly, but some people assume all my sisters are just like me or that we’re all pretty much the same person. And when they do, I really wish I could sit them down and tell them about each one of my sisters and how we’re all so unique!..and sometimes i do! : )
    Anyway, Wendy had asked me to come take pictures for her youngest daughter, Lindsey, to celebrate her 18 months. It was really nice spending time with this little one, because I usually play with the two older girls more. Still, it was so much fun having all three girls come in for a couple of shots toward the end of our shoot. Man, sisters are just too fun! : )
    This is all in their front and backyard, by the way. So beautiful!
    When I found out this Japanese Maple Tree was a gift from Wendy’s husband Dennis for her first Mother’s Day, I knew we had to take some pictures with all of the girls in front of this tree..how could we not?! see why sisters are so much fun?! we make each other laugh : )
    I’m so so SO excited for these girls and their lives together! : )

    Family Session with the Chens

    Three weeks ago when I drove to norcal for Shelley Paulson’s workshop, my mom and I made a stop on the way back down to photograph the Chens! When we arrived,  I remember walking in the front door and seeing three smiley faces staring back at me. Grace had asked me to come in before the shoot so the boys could warm up to me, but it was so much easier than I had thought! : ) Everyone, meet the Chens!
    We headed out to a nearby park where Grace and Dale set up an Easter egg hunt for the boys. I love how the eggs were filled with crackers and yummy snacks! : ) Here is Conely, the oldest, SUPER excited for the hunt!      I loved watching all the different expressions he made.

    Grace also got these super cool bunny-ear hats for the boys. Gotta love ’em!
    and in case you haven’t noticed, these two cuties are TWINS! so fun! : )
    and now, a few pictures with the hardworking parents..and I really do mean hardworking!
    As we wrapped up our session and as I was heading out, I just HAD to pull out my camera for one last shot of the two boys rocking on the swings. Haha, don’t you just love how they’re totally in sync?!
    and that’s it! : )

    A few SNEAK-PEEKS!

    Hello everyone! This coming weekend and the following week will be busy, busy, busy for Eileen Liu Photography, so I wanted to leave you guys with a sneak-peek of some posts to look forward to! Enjoy!

    Elijah’s 8 Months…

    The Chens…

    and Lindsey’s 18 Months! and btw, it’s EASTER this Sunday! Hope your day is filled with so much HOPE and overwhelming JOY! : ) here’s a bonus picture just for fun… have a wonderful weekend!


    The Hos

    Two Sundays ago I spent the day with the Hos. My cousin Esther and her husband Ed just brought home their new baby girl, Eleanor, and had asked me to come over to take a few photos of their new bundle of joy. Now here is their beautiful family of 5! I love how even baby Ellie is smiling in this one! : )
    The boys are so sweet. As soon as I walked in the door they came to welcome me and help me with the bags I was carrying. So thoughtful! I got a quick tour of the their beautiful home (it was my first time there!) and then got started. Esther was so excited because Ellie was actually awake for the shoot! She’s such a beautiful girl! : )
    And now look at little Alex saying hello to his baby sister… so cute!
    While Ellie rested I got to hang out with the boys for a bit. They are super silly and so much fun! The Hos have a nice little park right outside their house so Alex and Jacob showed me their cool scooter skills! I’m not gonna lie- I was a bit nervous for the boys..they ride so fast! We ended our shoot with a few group pictures…
    haha, love this last shot! Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful family! : ) After the shoot we met up with our other cousins for dinner at a little ramen place nearby. yumm, perfect way to end a lovely day : ) Thank you for such a fun time. Can’t wait to visit you guys again!


    I met Maddie and Audrey for the first time today, but I feel like I already know them so well from the time we spent together. I love that about children!
    Maddie likes the colors of the American flag and will be an amazing scientist one day…one who studies cells, she says. Her sister Audrey will teach a math class, maybe science, and they’ll run a candy store together. Because you know, they explain, we like to stick together. They love Italian food and everything chocolate, and have a friend who has never tried any other flavored ice cream but chocolate!
    We started our day with a delicious meal at California Pizza Kitchen and then for dessert, treated ourselves to some fun drinks at the boba stand. And with these fun drinks, we took a stroll through the Sanrio store, left with a few treasures, and made our way over to the park where we played and giggled and laughed!
    When there was no more energy left in their little bodies we returned to the mall for a light snack and rested. We rested in the air-conditioned rooms of Borders and  finished our time together by reading books about cupcakes and bunnies and of course, taking a few pictures.
    and that, was my Tuesday! : )