I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography



    Archive for the ‘Children Photography’ Category

    Happy 6 Months Meghan!

    March was a very busy month for my family. We celebrated four birthdays, one of them being my dad’s big 70th!, and so my sister’s family came in from Kansas City to join in the celebration. We spent a few days in Laguna Beach where we snacked and played, enjoying every moment of our beautiful beach house, super blessed by our parents’ kind friends who let us stay. We took advantage of having all of our family together and got in a few mini-shoots by the beach- can’t wait to share all of them with you!
    With my sister’s family so far away it’s hard to keep up with every stage the kiddies go through, but I’m so glad they were in town for Meghan’s 6 months! You might remember her from my very first post when she was born and now here she is a lot chubbier, completely healthy and doing very well!
    Sometimes I feel like I’m just getting to know Meghan since she’s still so young, but I already love everything about this little girl. She really is a bundle of joy and I miss her so much!
    We love this stage that she’s in…super chunky! : )
    I love it when Meghan smiles! : )
    I think she held onto that foot the whole time! haha. She finally figured out a way to put it in her mouth!
    and check out these rolls! gotta love ’em!
    We ended our shoot out by the beach. I really love how these turned out! Here’s Meghan with her mommy, my oldest sister Emily.
    Meghan, you are SO cute, but you are growing way too fast! I think I’ll just have to make a trip out to Kansas City  soon! : )
    And just for fun, here’s a few pictures of Meghan’s older brother Noah, who is officially potty-trained now! : ) Good job Noah!

    Kay’s 8th Birthday Party!

    My oldest niece just turned 8! Isn’t it crazy how time flies?! I still remember the night when my sister Emily told our family she was pregnant…we were all so excited! Now 8 years later we are STILL very excited for this little (or not so little anymore!) one and the life ahead of her.
    My second sister Elizabeth threw this whole party together. You might recognize her work from Timmy and Judy’s baby shower in October. Yes, she’s amazing! Liz is super detailed in everything that she does and I love how this Butterfly-themed birthday party turned out. You will be seeing more of her stuff here for sure! : )
    Everyone had sandwiches for lunch. Yum, I could use one right about now : )
    I love how there was a table for all the girls..and then a little one for the three (one is missing in this picture!) boys at the party, hehe.
    The house was filled with energy! All the kiddies were running around after lunch playing Simon Says and other games they made up. It’s so much fun watching them! : )
    And what’s a party without cake?!
    …and presents!
    Finally, after some more running around it was time for all the kids to nap. Everyone was so sad to go! Emily prepared goodie bags for all the kids to take home and Liz baked these delicious green-tea cookies for all the parents. What a great way to end the party! : )
    Kay is seriously the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. She has such a kind heart and is always thinking of others before herself. Hooray for this new year! I can’t wait to see what God will show you this year Kay! Happy birthday again from your Ayi-4..I love you so much! : )
    *more pictures from Kay’s party coming soon on my facebook page!

    The Kos

    I’m so glad I get to post on the Kos this Christmas! The photoshoot was so fitting for this holiday season with all the decorations up at their house. It’s funny- we actually planned to have our shoot at a nearby park, but because of all the rain we ended up having to take photos at their house instead. I do love how they turned out, though! : )
    I love the way Teresa dressed her kids! Everyone was in shades of purple and gray and with such fun accessories! It really made the shoot so fun. This next shot is one of my favorites- the kids are so cute fixing themselves up and helping each other look nice for the photo.
    This is Edison and Teresa’s youngest, Josiah. He is so handsome in his dress shirt. And don’t you just love his smile?! This next one is Sammie. When I first met her she was super shy, but when I arrived at their house she was the first one to greet me. She was so excited to show me her toys, she immediately grabbed my hand and led me to her room. So cute! : )
    And here is Ali, the oldest. She is so sweet- after the girls picked some home grown lavender flowers, Ali went inside to get a rubber band and tied them together for me.
    Now just the girls!
    and the boys…
    What a beautiful family you guys have, Edison and Teresa! Thanks for a great shoot! : )


    The Chous!

    Christine and Joe were my high school advisors at church. It’s crazy that they have two little boys now! It was such an honor to photograph them. Just a week before the shoot I was able to spend time with the Chous. It was my first time really interacting with Isaac and Micah and I had such a blast! The boys are so much fun to be around! Read on and you’ll see what I mean! : )
    This is 4-month-old Micah. Look at that laugh. He’s such a cutie!
    And this one is Isaac. He’s a little ball of energy! Can you tell?!
    Together they make such a lovely family!
    The Chous have a huge tree and a swing in their front yard. I think I might want one in the future, too…it’s so fun!
    And I quickly learned that there’s a secret to children photography…
    yes, COOKIES!
    They really were magical, getting Isaac to pose and everything!
    And finally, a picture of the hardworking parents. Joe and Christine, the photoshoot was so much fun! I’ll be coming back to visit soon! : )

    A Sneak-Peek From Today!

    I had a very eventful day today! My body is so tired from a full day of shooting, but I couldn’t wait to edit the pictures…so I didn’t! Here’s a sneak-peek of a shoot I had with baby Esme this morning and then one with Noah in the afternoon! The rest are coming soon : )

    The Changs

    I had the privilege of photographing the Changs last Sunday. They are such a beautiful family (as you can see below!) and we go waaay back! Dennis and Wendy are good friends of my older sisters and have known me since I was a little girl. It’s my turn to watch their girls grow up now and I absolutely love it! Dennis and Wendy have three little ones (who all look so much alike!) and it’s been such a joy seeing them through the different stages of their lives!
    The Changs and I headed out for the Langham hoping to take a few shots by the Christmas tree they put up every year. Unfortunately it was too early on and there was no sign of Christmas (except for all the green!) at the hotel. We were very thankful for the picture-perfect weather, though!
    Our first stop was at this bridge. How could we not take a few photos here after discovering its name- ” The Picture Bridge”!?
    and then we moved on to another bridge! The girls loved it here. I had so much fun watching them stomp back and forth and then laugh at the funny sound their feet were making!
    There are too many good spots at this hotel! In the back there’s this huge field of green. And what are the girls pointing at?
    There was a squirrel on the wall for the longest time! I didn’t take a picture of it though, haha. So while the girls entertained themselves for a bit I got a quick photo of Dennis and Wendy before taking some more of the girls.
    And even though the girls were having such a blast, it was time to go. I took a few last photos- here’s one of the two older girls running back to their parents. Goodbye Lagham, until next time!

    Photoshoot with Kay and Rebekah

    During my stay in Kansas City we would pass by huge fields of crops every day whether it was on the way to the market, the prayer room, dinner, or just anywhere really. And every time I think about how much fun it would be to have a photoshoot there. So finally the day before heading back to Los Angeles my mom and I took the two older ones out.
    Watching these two interact was definitely one of the many highlights of the trip. Kay and Rebekah totally remind me of how my sister Eunice and I used to interact when we were younger. One minute we’re arguing and fighting then we’re best friends laughing until our stomachs hurt, the next. I love it!
    By the way, we found out they were growing beans!
    This is Kay, the first grandchild. She is super mature, sensitive, and totally loving. She’s only 7, but can carry a conversation like she’s already a teenager.
    And here’s Rebekah. She is such a funny one! A little shyer than her older sister, but very bold and daring. She loves to be silly, always making funny faces and making up funky words to make you laugh!
    Sisters by chance, friends by choice! : )


    To celebrate Meghan’s one month we decided to do a mini photoshoot with the family! Everyone meet the Lees (Yes, all 6 of them!)!

    Here are the kiddies with Akong and Ama.

    My second sister Liz made (she can make anything and everything!) this super cute headband for baby Meghan. And now, on to the other three kids!
    From oldest to youngest, here is Kay, Rebekah, and Noah.
    They are a silly bunch and I’m going to miss them SO much when I head back to LA.